Another year and another very successful CE for Charity, Learn to Give Event! Our Orthodontists, Dr. Sarah Davidson, Dr. Dan Stuart and Dr. Ric Bezanson together with Citadel Oral Surgery and the support of a group of generous sponsors, arranged a series of lectures for Dentists and Dental Professionals from across Nova Scotia. The event was held at the Halifax Central Library and participants were able to listen to the lecturers, earn Continuing Education points and help the community at large. All proceeds were divided equally between Children’s Make a Wish and Phoenix Youth Programs, to help with their programs and make good things happen for children and adults in our area. This year we are so pleased to announce that an amazing $31,000.00 was realized for our 2 charities! We thank Ken Thompson from snap’d Dartmouth for his interest in and pictures of the event, and we applaud our Doctors’ efforts to not only work in the Halifax/Dartmouth area, but also to put time, effort and support behind events such as these to make things a little easier for others. Congratulations to all!